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.........................--- 3D Printed Objects ---
NOTE: I now have a lot of the items on this page up on my thingiverse.com account where you can print them if you have a 3D printer or access to one ( HERE )
It costs me a couple hundred each year to keep this site on the Internet.
WiFi Camera to view printing on FDM & Resin Printers …................
Resin Printer Station ..................................................................................
Failed Print ---- Clean Your Resin Vat .................................................
3D Printed Turnout Servo Bracket – One Limit Switch ….................
3D Printed Turnout Servo Bracket – Two Limit Switches …..............
'Horizontal Switcher' – Servo Mount for Horizontal Throw ….........
'Vertical Switcher' – Mount for Vertical Mounted Servo…...............
3D Printed Turnout Servo Bracket Info …...............................................
3D Printed Servo Bracket for Servo Controller …..................................
3D Printed Servo Switch Box and Route Indicator Tops …..................
3D Printed “Gravity-Switcher” Switch Machine …..............................
'Toggle-Switcher' Control for 'Gravity-Switcher'….............................
'Push-Pull' Control for 'Gravity-Switcher' ….........................................
'Lever Control' for 'Gravity-Switcher' ….................................................
'Pulleys/Line Adjusters' for 'Gravity-Switcher' ….................................
'Hidden Switcher' – (The manual switch machine you don't see) ….......................
Switch Machine Camouflage Objects ......................................................
Larger/Better Deck for Objects on Switch Machine ...........................
Objects for Larger/Better Deck ................................................................
Tool to Set Switch Machine Flush With Layout Surface …..................
N Scale 1950's White's COE Fuel Truck …..............................................
N Scale '50's White's COE Fuel Truck for Switch Machine …............
N Scale 10 Foot X 10 Foot Wall Sections …..............................................
N Scale 10 Foot X 20 Foot Wall Sections…...............................................
3 Ft. Shorter White Truck ( Standalone or Switch Machine)…..........
N Scale 3 Foot X 8 Foot Culverts….............................................................
N Scale Stone Walls….....................................................................................
12 Ft. Dia. Fuel or Water Tank (Alone or for use with Switch Machine) …...................
N Scale Freestanding Ladders…..................................................................
N Scale Ladders, Safety Cages & Platforms for Structures…..............
N Scale 4' X 8' Wooden Crates on or off Switch Machine….................
N Scale 3D Printed Roundhouse ...............................................................
N Scale 3D Printed Turntable and Controller …......................................
N Scale Fencing…............................................................................................
N Scale Water Tower ...................................................................................
N Scale Water Tower Pump House ...........................................................
N Scale Ice Blocks for Reefer Cars ...........................................................
N Scale Stairs, Walkway, Railings and Building Side ..........................
N Scale 16 Foot Diameter Tank .................................................................
N Scale 2 Story Business Building ............................................................
N Scale 18 Ft. Long Horizontal Fuel Tank .............................................
N Scale Single Story Store or Restaurant ...............................................
N Scale 4' x 4' x 4' Swamp Cooler and Duct-work ...............................![]()
N Scale Duct-work ........................................................................................![]()
N Scale Freight Transfer Building ............................................................![]()
N Scale Rooftop Skylights ............................................................................
N Scale Code 55 End of Track Section ....................................................
N Scale Code 55 Board Crossing ...............................................................![]()
N Scale Code 55 Brick Crossing ................................................................![]()
N Scale Track Laying Tools/Aids ( 1-1/4” Center-lines) ......................![]()
N Scale Track Laying Tools/Aids ( 1-3/8” Center-lines) …...................
N Scale Track Laying Tools/Aids ( 1-1/2” Center-lines) ......................
N Scale Track Laying Tools/Aids ( 1-1/8” Center-lines) ......................
Layout Compass and Track Shaping Tool .............................................![]()
Ho Scale Tower/Dome for Frisco Depot at Ft. Scott, KS …..................![]()
N Scale 10 ft. X 20 ft. Brick Wall Sections ...............................................
N Scale Loco Wheel/Axle Puller/Separator .............................................![]()
3D Printed Wire Connectors .......................................................................![]()
Code 55 #6 Turnout Tie Gluing Jig/Fixture ….........................................
Easy Way to Glue Ties to Turnout …..........................................................
N Scale Tie Gluing Fixture for Curved Turnouts ….................................![]()
N Scale Tie Gluing Fixture for Straight Turnouts …..............................![]()
3D Printed Fixture to Solder Code 55 Frog Points ….............................
3D Printed Z Scale Track Laying Tools …..............................................
3D Printed Arduino Uno Case ....................................................................![]()
3D Printed Arduino Mega 2560 Case .......................................................![]()
3D Printed Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 Computer Case ...................................![]()
3D Printed Arduino Mega/Raspberry Pi Case ......................................![]()
3D Printed Wireless Phone Throttle Case ..........................................
Duplicate Cutter ...........................................................................................
Flat and Round Wire Clamps ...................................................................
Solder Pads …................................................................................................
Stepper Motor Driver & Buck Converter Brackets …........................
Micro Trains 10-15/1016 Assembler Jig …..............................................
3D Printed Parts for U30C Coupler Conversion …............................
End of Track with Shell Bumper …........................................................
Nema 17 Stepper Motor Mount …..........................................................
3D Printed Code 55 and Code 70 Rerailers (Part 1) …......................
3D Printed Code 55 and Code 70 Rerailers (Part 2) …......................
3D Printed Code 55 and Code 70 Rerailers (Part 3) …......................
Commercial Building (Store, Restaurant, Other) …...........................
Truck Stop Project …..................................................................................
Truck Maintenance Build Alone or for Truck Stop …........................
Truck Maintenance Building with a Gas Station …............................
Truck Stop with a Restaurant …..............................................................
Truck Stop with Restaurant and Hotel ................................................
Gas Station, Restaurant and Hotel .........................................................
Gas Station and Restaurant ......................................................................
Restaurant and Hotel ..................................................................................
Restaurant Alone ..........................................................................................
1950's Gas Station Alone ............................................................................
1950's Gas Station Assembly and Paint .................................................
N Scale Shorter Store/Restaurant & Gas Station ...............................
N Scale 64 foot Girder Bridge ...................................................................
N Scale Bridge Abutments & Shoes ........................................................
N Scale 100 ft. Warren Truss Roadway Bridge ...................................
Concrete Culverts (10' & 13' openings) .................................................
104 Ft. Double Track Plate Girder Bridge ............................................
N Scale UP Style Tunnel Portals ( 4 different faces ) ............................
N Scale Stepped Top Tunnel Portals ( 4 different faces ) …..................
N Scale Stone Arch Tunnel Portals ( 3 different faces ) .......................
N Scale Moffat Tunnel Portal ......................................................................
N Scale Double Track Tunnel Portals .......................................................
4 ft. Loco Fan Grills ....................................................................................
N Scale Stacks of Lumber ...........................................................................
N Scale Sawmill Debarker, Log Lift & Chains/Tracks ......................
Sawmill Green Chain…..................................................................................
Sawmill Saw Blade Sharpening Station…...............................................
N Scale Sawmill Mill Pond 'Boom Boat' ...............................................
N Scale Log Car with low bunks ..............................................................
N Scale Log Car with Mid-Height Swivel bunks .................................
N Scale Log Car with high bunks .............................................................
.....======= Other People's Projects ===========
3D Printed Switch Machine by Slepyhed .................................................
Nskale's 3D Printed Crossing to use with Kato Unitrack …................![]()
NOTE: I now have a lot of the items on this page up on my thingiverse.com account where you can print them if you have a 3D printer or access to one ( HERE )