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….........--- N Scale 12 Foot Diameter Fuel or Water Tank ---
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
Here is a 12 foot diameter tank that can be printed in heights of 4', 8', 12', 16' or any height in 4 foot intervals. You have two options for tank tops. One is flater and the other is more dome shaped. They are glued onto the tank. The tank to represent a tank holding any liquid or even possible a silo. You could also leave the top off and in a 4 foot height it could be a stock watering tank or put on taller supports for a higher water tank. Use your imagination.
After gluing the top on with CA I took some Tamiya putty and filled some of the glue seam and also some of the tracks left by the 3D printer.
Next paint it for the look you want.
Here the 16 foot high thank is next to the 1950's White fuel truck.
There is also an option to print a concrete pad for the tank to sit on.
Here the tank has the pad already attached to the tank and will print that way.
The tank can also be printed as part of the deck that attaches to the switch machine and you push it back and forth to throw the switch and change the polarity of the frog. More on how that works ( HERE ).
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
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