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.................................................................--- Sumner's N Scale Model RR Pages ---
.I was into model railroading in the late 60's and early 70's while attending the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming. I started in HO and then switched to N scale do to the fact I was living in small apartments. I went onto other things until 2018 when I decided it was time to return to the hobby again. I always felt I would return and kept the limited roster of two engines, a HO brass Climax and a N scale 0-6-0 and a handful of N and HO cars and some track. I never had a proper layout at the time and was more into the electronics, which culminated in the building of a TAT IV throttle that for the time was quite advanced.
Upon returning I found that the hobby has grown by leaps and bounds in all aspects. Here I will share some of the projects that I've undertaken and eventually hope the outcome is an actual layout this time around. I'm 75 at the time of writing this (2019) so don't know how long I'll have to accomplish my goals but for me my big motivation is learning something new and executing it so I'll be happy with whatever comes along as this is a hobby without bounds,
It costs me a couple hundred each year to keep this site on the Internet.
Want to help, give a dollar or two ===>
NOTE: To contact me use one of the following emails. If I don't respond try the other one. Also be sure to include something in the title that references one of the following.... Trains, Cars or Boats or I won't open your email thinking it might be spam:
contactsumner1 (at) gmail ( dot ) com
login (at) 1fatgmc ( dot ) com
contact20 ( at ) purplesagetradingpost ( dot ) com
Building UP's N Scale Canyon Division ...........................................
DCC++EX Command Station with WiFi for under $100 ..........
One of My Two YouTube Channels ...................................................
My Other YouTube Channel ................................................................
Servo Control for Your Turnouts for Under ….$8.00 .................
Other Turnout Control Options ........................................................
3D Printed Objects for the Rail Road ................................................
Trackwork .................................................................................................
Decoder Installs ........................................................................................
DCC++EX Information & a Cheap Wireless Throttle .................
Build a Wireless WiTcontroller Throttle for less than $50.00 ......
HandCab WiFi Throttle .........................................................................
HandCab-DC a $20 DC Hand Throttle .................…........................
DC & DCC Sound & Loco Controller .…………………….…….....
Sound for any DC or DCC Loco .………………..………….…….....
$4 to $15 PWM 12v DC Throttle .........................................................
Cheap DCC Wireless Physical Throttle – Part 1 .............................
SpeedTrap Speedometer........................................................................
Misc. Locomotive & Rolling Stock Related ...................…...............
N Scale 3D Printed Roundhouse .........................................…...............
N Scale 3D Printed Turntable and Controller ....................................
N Scale Coal Mine with a Twist ..............................................................
N Scale Sawmill ..........................................................................................
N Scale Truck Stop...................................................................................
Test Track (Track laying -- Installing Switch Machines) ….............
Scenery Tips, Techniques and Ideas ......................................................
Individual and Club Layouts I've Visited ............................................
Miscellaneous ...............................................................................................
Soldering Tools and Supplies I Use .......................................................