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…..................................................--- 3 Foot X 8 Foot Culverts ---
You can find all the files to 3D print the culverts and the switch machine deck on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
Culverts becomes the next option to either print alone, in pairs, a pair with one stacked on the top or as an object for the switch machine.
Most of the pictures show the items as they came off the 3D printers table so you do need to do a little cleanup on them.
Above is a switch machine ready to drop into its enclosure after attaching the wires going to the track and the frog.
Above I've cut a hole for the switch machine enclosure in a piece of foam and sprayed it with camouflage paint. On the layout more scenery/ground cover than that would be placed around the enclosure.
You can find all the files to 3D print the culverts and the switch machine deck on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
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