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--- N Scale Ladders, Safety Cages & Platforms for Structures ---
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
On the previous page there were freestanding ladders that could be used wherever needed. On this page you will find a ladder that has standoff supports that will allow the ladder to be attached to the side of a structure with CA glue. These are ladders that you might find on a tank or a building or other structure that would be affixed to the structure for access to the top of the structure.
There is only one ladder available to print. Cut it off to the appropriate length or print a second or third one if you need more height.
The ladders are 6 inches wider than the ones on the previous page to make the safety cage area, if used, more realistic for a person to be able to pass through.
On my Ender 3 Pro I end up with some printer tracks between parts of the safety cage. I print more than one part, as shown above, so that....
….. when I cut the webbing away if I make a mistake I can use another one.
The safety cages are printed as two parts with interlocking bottom pieces that help to locate the two half’s for gluing. I put a triangle file through them while gluing them together.
Glue as shown above but if you have a problem glue the long pieces one at a time. This is a little tricky but you will get it.
If you are going to put a safety cage on the ladder cut the standoffs/supports away so that the cage will slide on and lay flat to the bottom of the ladder. It will become the standoff in this area and also give you a surface to glue the ladder to the structure.
The picture above was taken before the ladder was cut to length.
Here the ladder with only a safety cage has been glued to the tank with CA glue. If you have a structure taller than the ladder is long print a second one and add it to the first one and then cut to length.
You can also print a platform for the top of the ladder/cage.
With a FDM printer it is about impossible to print the railing around the top of the platform so I tinned some 30 gauge stranded wire that I had bought for DCC decoder installs and super glued it to the top of the platform. Do one side and let that set. Then put the 'U'-shaped bend in it and the straight other side and finish the gluing.
Cut the wire railing off at the support and paint everything.
In the next couple pictures the ladder, cage and platform will be attached to a tank that is on top of a deck that goes on top of a switch machine that you can also make from 3D printed parts. It is described ( HERE ).
I picked up 100 little people for about $5 on eBay and used two of them here. I'm pretty happy how the ladder, cage and platform turned out for a FDM 3D printed project.
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.come account ( HERE ).
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