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…......................--- Gathering, Loading & Running Software ---


NOTE: Go to GitHub to get all the files you need and
the build instructions ( HERE ).

    NOTE: The following is mainly the same instructions that are on the HandCab GitHub page ( HERE ). If you have worked with the Arduino IDE ( integrated development environment ) and GitHub before this should be pretty straight forward. If not take you time and go a step at at time and ask questions if needed ( HERE ) or contact me and I'll see if I can help at contactsumner1 (at) gmail (dot) com.

    1. Download the Arduino IDE.

    2. Download the esp32 boards in the Arduino IDE. (See warning above. Use ESP32 by Espressif Systems Ver 3.0.0 or later)

    3. Download or clone the GitHub repository ( HERE ). (Note: if you 'clone' initially, it is easier to receive updates to the code by doing a 'fetch' subsequently. See Notes below.)

    4. Load the needed libraries to your PC. These can loaded from the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE.

    6. These should have been automatically installed when you downloaded the esp32 boards. YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING SPECIFIC TO GET THESE

    7. Copy 'config_network_example.h' to a new file named 'config_network.h'.

    8. Upload the Read_Pot_Values program/sketch.

    9. Copy 'config_buttons_example.h' to a new file 'config_buttons.h'. Open it in a plain text editor like Notepad (needs to stay plain text—not formatted).

    10. With the ESP32 still connected run HandCab.INO


For the whole build of this throttle go ( HERE ).
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