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.............--- Roundhouse Corner Walls ---
The four corners of the round house are somewhat different although the ones on one side are mirror images of the ones on the other side. I've tried to put the file's name you use to print the corners on the images below and on following pages to make it simpler to know what to print.
The two front corners have an entrance to the building on the front but you will see there are other entrance possibilities also.
The back corners are also mirror images of each other. The short side connects to side wall sections and the long side to the different back wall sections that are available.
You only need to print one each of the four corners. I'd also tell Cura if that is what you use to 'lay the object flat' if you have any print problems. That way you will know the base of the wall is flat on the print table. I would try that with the walls on the following pages if you have a print problem.
The names of the print files are shown on the images above and you can find the print files ( HERE )
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE ).
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