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..............................--- Track Surface Part 1 ---
Before continuing with the elevator and the framework in the last section of the framework where the elevator is situated I moved on to cutting and installing the surface for the lower level and probably the upper track.
I cut the pieces and attached them directly to the existing framework. This allowed me to square them up with the framework and also square up the framework at the same time. Once the lower level is complete and possibly the upper level I'll unscrew them from the framework and move the bottom layer up 3 inches above the frame work.
The reason for this is to be able to put switch machines (servos and my 3D mounts) at any location without a cross member in the way as the main framework will be 3 inches below where the switch machines will mount. There will be movable mounts that will raise the plywood & solid foam board the 3 inches and they can be placed anyplace other than where a switch machine is located. Later if I need to mount a new switch machine and a mount is in the way I can just unscrew it and move it a few inches out of the way.
To be continued.....
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