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..--- Pictures of Roundhouse Built by Rickard5 & Daniel The Pinstriper---
The first set of images below are of a roundhouse that Rickard5 and Daniel The Pinstriper out of Dallas Texas sent me of their roundhouse build using the the print files from my thingiverse account on the Internet. You can find more info on the build and print file links starting ( HERE ). .
One has the option to print a section of extended bays like Rick did above. I did that since I have some long UP engines like the DDA40X and the DD35’s.
A higher roof section like above can also be printed as an option. One might need it if they are modeling an overhead crane for a bay. The guys plan on putting in a working overhead belt drive system for driving lathes and mills and a crane under the roof extension! Hope they send pictures of that for me to post.
The triangle openings on the end of the raised section shown above are where skylights attach.
Skylights (with window vents) can cover as much of the roof as one wants.
Thanks again guys for sending the pictures. I think you have done a great job and nice to see someone use the files. I'd like to see pictures of what others have also done with the roundhouse build.
I have everything printed for 12-15 stalls (can’t remember how many) but haven’t glued it all together and painted it yet. Hope to get the track in that area in first. Also have the turntable done and operable but not installed. The build, images and print files for it or ( HERE ).
The following images show some of the options one has for the side walls and back walls and the bay doors. There is a lot of flexibility in what you print that allows you to kind of maker the roundhouse ‘yours’.
Skylights (with window vents) can cover as much of the roof as one wants.
Each side has two wall sections and there are a number you can choose from.
The number of back walls will of course correspond to the number of bays and there are a number of options for those wall sections also.
If you haven’t seen this build before you can find more images, build pictures and print file links ( HERE ).
You can find all the files to 3D print this object and others on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE ).
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