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... --- Truck Stop & Other Buildings – Part 2 ---
NOTE: I don't need all of the variations of the truck stop shown below so I'm looking for anyone who might be interested in helping by printing them out. I don't like putting things up on my thingiverse.com account if they haven't been printed so probably will only put up what I've actually printed. If you are interested in printing out some of the other structures below so I can put them up also please contact me ( HERE ).
Also please don't contact me if you are not going to print them out now as I don't have time to be sending files to people just so they can have them and will maybe use them someday. If you are in that group please wait for me to put them up on my thingiverse.com account. Thanks
Below are images of what I've printed to this point. I'll try and get these print files up soon on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE ). Still looking for help on this. If interested see note in yellow above.
You also have the option to print a number of the pieces shown here separately where they could be used as part of a truck stop or for another use on your layout. I haven't printed them, I'm looking for help from you guys in that regard. See the note in yellow above. As those various options are printed and hopefully pictures of them shared with me I'll post those also.
The truck maintenance building can stand alone or be attached to any combination of the buildings to the right of it. Also it can be turned around with the other side facing out.
You can see the stairs to the 2nd floor ( HERE ) and they were used in another design I did ( HERE ).
I save cereal boxes and use them for templates mainly but decide to see how they might work for roof surfaces and like them. The one roof is pretty large and the cereal box cardboard seems to work fine even on it but might put some stiffeners on the bottom side of the roof if I go this way as I want to also add roof detail on the roof top.
The print files for the roofs will also be available on thingiverse if you want to print them or cut them out of styrene or another material of your choice.
Print files for a couple versions of the White truck ( HERE ).
On the back side the bay with the door partially open is closed on this side and the other bay door is up some.
I'm not sure how I'm going to use these prints on my layout. Maybe together or maybe separated some like what you see at some truck stops where the maintenance/repair building sits back some on the lot.
Still looking for those of you that would help out and print some of the other variations of the structure on the right above. See the notice as the top of this page if you are interested.
If you come into this thread later you can find the index menu with more info ( HERE ).
to be continued......
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