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….....................................--- HandCab WiFi Throttle – Part 1 ---
This is a WiTcontroller throttle similar to one I built ( HERE ) but with a stalk and controls on the top of it that represents the 'barrel' control stand that was found in GP7/GP9 cab's. I have a number of GP7'S and GP9's and after looking at....
. the control stands in them decided that ….
I'd work at copying them to some degree.
I couldn't copy them exactly but went for a 'kind of looks like' one approach. I could of gone somewhat smaller but needed the room for the pots I was going to use and didn't want mini-controls on the throttle.
Since it will be 3D printed it won't weigh all that much more than the one on the right and it is very light. The control stalk raises a touch over 3 inches above the top of the case. Looks like more in the images.
I wanted the control handles to feel like you are actually using something larger than what you use with most throttles. I won't know if that was the right move until I get this printed and together.
I am about a day away from printing what is shown above. If I'm happy with that I'll modify the bottom of the case for the other one to fit this one.
This project is still a long ways from being completed. I'm hoping to use all the parts that are used in the WiTcontroller throttle with the addition of the 3 pots. The code for that throttle, written by Peter Akers (EngineDriver), will work but not for the three levers/pots as written. I could write some of that but for sure couldn't add it to the rest of Peter's WiTcontroller code.
For the whole build of this throttle go ( HERE ).
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