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….....................................--- HandCab Parts List ---
The following parts list shows where I bought the parts. Use it but also by using it you will be able to get a description of the parts used that you could use to search for parts from other suppliers.
1 - ESP32 LOLIN32 Lite …....................................................... I bought 3 for $16 ( HERE ) but here is one for $7 ( HERE ).
1 - 3x4 Keypad …This one fits the case for sure …................... $5.00 ( HERE ).
1 - 1.3” OlED Display … This one fits....................................... $9.00 ( HERE ). (The display looks small but actually works really well.)
1 - Encoder …............................................................................. 5 for $10 ( HERE ). (The build doesn't currently use this but probably will.)
3 – 50K potentiometers ….......................................................... 20 for $10 ( HERE ).
2 – On/Off Pushbutton switches …............................................ 5 for $10 ( HERE ). (Only 1 needed if you opt out of using the voltmeter circuit.)
1 – Momentary Limit Switch …................................................. 12 for $5.00 ( HERE ).
7 – SPST Momentary Pushbutton switches ….......................... 30 for $11.00 ( HERE ).
1 – Battery Selector DPDT c/o switch if have 2 batteries ….... 10 for $9.00 ( HERE ).
1- 3 stage Adafruit 4410 USB charger (optional)...................... $6.00 ( HERE ) or ( HERE ). (for $6.00 I like having a better charger than the ESP32 one.)
1 or 2 Batteries …... (I like 2 so I could change if needed) ...... $11.00 (1100 mAh ( HERE )) or $14.00 (2000mAh ( HERE )).
1 or 2 or none JST connectors …............................................. 10 for $7.00 ( HERE ).
All of the above priced individually with one 1100mAh battery …................................................ $51.00 (or less if you don't by charger and other parts)
All of the above priced individually with one 2000mAh battery …................................................ $54.00 (or less if you don't by charger and other parts)
All of the above priced individually with 1100mAh & 2000mAh batteries .................................... $65.00
You have a couple buying options. I don't mind buying the larger quantities shown above as I use about all of that on other projects or the layout itself. You might want to split costs with a friend or maybe someone will come along that will put the above in a package deal with all the parts for a fixed price plus a profit (SEE BELOW). I believe one person that has talked to me found a place that would package parts as a whole. Then there of course is the order from China option.
Printed case parts:
I printed part with my resin printer and part with my filament printer. Resin and filament....maybe ….... $18.00
NOTE: Would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you don't have a printer or no plans to get one there are print services out there that can print the parts. I'm personally not interested in doing that but if there is anyone that would be interested in doing it contact me with what they have in mind and I'll possibly put a link here to their services.
Also if someone is interested in buying parts in quantity and repackaging them with the right ones to build a throttle contact me with what you have in mind.
NOTE: Regardless of what you pay I don't think there is a comparable throttle on the market for anywhere near the price to building this one. Maybe the closest to it is Iowa Scaled Engineering's ProtoThrottle that sells for $500.00 and has controls that are also more like the real thing. If building this one is not in your future you might want to take a look at theirs.

For the whole build of this throttle go ( HERE ).
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