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….............................--- Sawmill Design/Build – Part 28 ---
Printing and painting of the main sawmill building’s interior and exterior parts coming to an end.
Above are the exterior stairs and docks. The following are the mill’s interior machinery.
I feel pretty good with the fit of the stairs and docks. I can adjust them when it comes time to put the mill on the layout with ground cover.
The following are the remainder of the interior machinery parts. These items are really small and some detail is there but basically too small to paint or see. For instance the pillow blocks for the rollers and the belts between the rollers print but are very hard to actually see even up close. The printers now are better at detail than what our eyes can see, at least mine.
It took me a while watching videos to see how they handle slabs that are way too long to transfer over to the edger saw. The slabs move down the rollers towards the timber cutoff saw until the end of the slab is even with the end of the transfer table over to the edger rollers and saw. A chain saw comes up out of a slot and cuts the slab into two pieces. The one piece next to the transfer table is transferred over to the edger by the four chains that you can see above. Then the rollers down towards the timber cutoff saw reverse and bring the other half of the slab back up along side the transfer table. Then the chains move that slab over to the edger rollers and it moves through the edger which cuts it to width.
The cutoff saw isn’t an exact model of the one that the Hull-Oakes mill has. That goes for the rest of the equipment. I tried to ‘kind of’ replicate it to fit the scene and give a sense of the work flow of the mill.
I’ll do an overview of the interior machinery on the next page and then also post a link to the print files for the interior machinery. The painting went fairly fast. I probably have 6-7 hours of painting for the interior machinery past the main band saw and an other couple for the machinery into the mill and to the bandsaw and the saw itself.
.... to be continued.
A link to this whole build ( HERE ).
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