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…..............................--- Sawmill Design/Build – Part 11 ---
You can find the print files for the components shown below on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE ).
About the last building I need besides an office and boiler house was one to cover the debarker where …...
...... the logs coming from the mill pond are debarked before entering the mill.
Again I used the building at Hull-Oakes for inspiration. Not trying to model it exact. I also removed the wall on the mill pond side so that the debarker would be more visible. Theirs is pretty open but not as open as this one. In my world most of the weather comes from the sheltered side. The open side will be visible from the side of the layout and you won't see much of the other side from that viewing point.
There is also an extension to the building on the back side for a room that also extends towards the debarker (see previous image). Hull-Oakes also has an interior room that I'm guessing houses parts for the debarker and a place to work if needed.
As I'm writing this there is a 9 hour print going on out in the shop. First time I've tried printing a building whole with the roof on. Most of my buildings have removable roofs to see the interior. Since this one is open on the side I thought I'd try printing the roof in place. Where I've printed removable roofs I've had problems with them warping a day or so later after printing. I can usually get the warp out with a hot air gun and then holding it in place for a day or so with weights. Only time will tell ( a few hours from now) how this works.
The print came out well except for one item which I'll talk about in the last image below.
Not sure if I'll move on further with painting and moving it to the layout now or not. Will have to give that some thought. I do have the roadbed for the track laid down so could go ahead and lay track and work on the overall scene but will probably move back to the scenery I was doing so I can get a loop of track around the layout.
To the left there will be a low earth dam at the end of the mill pond there and need to make a boat to move the logs around.
I'm happy with the end result for the debarker building and the debarker itself. I have a lot of hours in this and a lot of it was the long compute times of waiting for the design changes to compute. It revolved around all of the faces in the chains that had to be recomputed over and over again. Glad those are done and know what I'd probably do different next time if there is a next time.
The one minor flaw/problem revolved around positioning the print the way I did and the resulting supports. Take a moment if interested and move back up the page to the image with the print and supports. Since I was printing the whole building as a single print and it had to be severely rotated to fit on the build plate I ended up with the supports being generated on the back side.
If you look at the side walls or the board & batten on the interior walls or the building next to it you can see the printer did a good job printing them. The supports on the back wall, lots of them, ended up wiping out a lot of the board & batten detail. I'm going to let it go as that side can't be seen from any normal viewing angle once the building is put into place.
I'm pleased though that I can print very close to scale corrugated roofing (or siding) now with the rest printer. Not possible with the filament printer unless the corrugations were made about twice scale size.
You can find the print files for the components shown above on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE )
Above are the approximate measurements of the sawmill complex minus loading docks and I'll probably also design a boiler house and maybe an office. Also not shown is the mill pond. Stacked lumber will also take up a lot of room along with a loading building/dock along the tracks.
Mill pond will be just to the right of the single track that cuts across the scene. Mill will be from where the small tub with the sponge down towards the track on the far end.
It will basically take up the end of the upper level shown above in the area just to the left of the tracks for the mill pond and mill. More info on the roadwork above ( HERE ).
You can find the print files for the components shown above on my thingiverse.com account ( HERE )
To be continued............
A link to this whole build ( HERE ).
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