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......................--- Layout Elevated 3 Inches ---
(From the previous page if you didn't see it: I'm using risers to raise the base level of the layout 3 inches above the layout framework. They can be placed any place I need them. Using them creates a 3 inch spacing below the bottom of the lower track surface and the framework. This allows one to place a switch machine any place under the layout without having a framework member in the way. If a riser is in the way unscrew it from the bottom of the layout and the framework and move it out of the way.)
With that in mind let's raise the layout's surface 3 inches. This went really easy and I thought pretty fast at 1-2 hours per section.
I failed to take pictures of raising the first section which was the section at the one end of the layout. I removed it from the framework and installed risers where needed. Then laid it on the risers and moved it around until it was in position directly above where it had been. This was pretty easy to do using the two layout sections below it on either side as reference points.
Once it was in place I could raise the next two quicker as they were put on the risers and attached to the first piece which was now a fixed guide to position them. Moved down the whole layout in the same manner, like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. The following pictures should fill in any blanks and ask questions if you have any.
Next up is the last section of framework that houses the track elevator.
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