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…..--- Hidden Custom Crossing for Coal Mine Complex – Pt 1 ---
This is the build of a custom crossing for the coal mine complex. It will be hidden under the coal mine's loading area. The coal train with the empty cars will cross from one track over the other and exit the complex through a building into a hill. It will then proceed down a hidden track back to the hidden staging tracks. Another identical train with loaded cars will enter the complex on a hidden track and exit the coal mine complex giving the impression the train with the empties was loaded. You can find out more about this ( HERE ).
The location of the crossing is shown above and will be out of sight under the mines loading chutes.
I've made custom templates for track work a couple different ways. Here I used Fusion 360 along with a Fast Tracks crossing template that you can find ( HERE ).
You can find out more about how I cut my own PCB ties ( HERE ). Since this crossing isn't going to be seen and I want it as functional as possisble I cut the ties a little wider and used more than I might use if it was visible.
to be continued.....
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