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...........--- Pt. 5 --- N Scale DDA35 & B Build ---
NOTE: This is not an accurate build of a DDA35. I've tried to 'get close' but at almost 80 don't want to spend a ton of time on this. I need to get back to laying track, adding scenery and finally running a train or two.
The start of some of the shell mods and also milling the frame for the ESU LokSound 5 Nano sound decoder and a 9 X 16mm speaker.
I cut off one end with a Dremel and then later worked it back to where it was square and flush for the GP35 cab to be glued on with a bench 1” belt sander and a file.
I got this Bachmann DCC DDA40X for under $100 pre-COVID but they are selling for a lot more now. Don't want to screw it up but need to move on with the build.
The speaker could go in the fuel tank area probably but getting it up at the top of the frame made wiring somewhat easier and I can add weight to the fuel tank area if there is room for more than what Bachmann put there already.
With the frame milling hopefully done next up is modifying the shell some more as I felt that needed to also be done as you will see.
If you came into the build here you can go to the start of the build ( HERE ).
(NOTE: Keep in mind that this is N scale and these images if viewed on a computer can be larger than the real thing.)
Will continue this when I get the GP35 in my hands in a few days........
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