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--- July 2017 Ride on the East Side of Blanding ---
Some of the local ATV people have developed trails just on the city limits to the east. You can gain access to them from 3 or 4 different locations. One easy to find location is just behind the Blanding Visitor Center on the north of town on the east side of highway 191. On this trail ride I entered the trail area to the south of there and came out at the Visitor's Center.
Above was the route of this ride. It started for about 20 blocks on pavement (not shown on the video) and then went onto a short section of a county gravel road before starting on the ATV trail. Click ( HERE ) for the video of the ride or the picture above.
.............................................--- Click Here For Ride Video ---
If any of you reading this come to Blanding if I'm free I'd be glad to take you on this trail but there are some far more scenic ones about 12 miles west of town. Send me an e-mail if interested contact20 (at) purplesagetradingpost (dot) com.
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