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(2003 Suzuki DR200SE bought in August 2015 with 900+
2015, at 71, I first bought a Suzuki DR-Z400 as I wanted a dirt bike
that was also street legal. I live in SE Utah and ride by myself in
the canyons and mountains here, rugged terrain. I dropped the bike a
couple times and had a hard time getting it back up. Even thought I'm
6' the seat was just too high for me, as I ride a lot of tight single
track, where sometimes I have to stop and get my feet down. I really
liked the bike and if I was still young would of kept it, but I'm
sold it and started looking for a Suzuki 200 and found one over in
Colorado with very few miles on it. It is a 2003 that two different
guys had bought for their girl friends and they didn't ride the bike
much as it only had 900 miles on it.
often see this bike referenced as a beginners bike or a bike for the
wife or girl friend and even though it might be good for those
applications one shouldn't underestimate the capibilities of this
bike. I
love it and it is perfect for me and where I'm riding. I'll take it
anywhere and know that it is up to the task. I think that regardless
of your gender if you ride tight challenging trails this bike is up
to it and great for running around town also. It is fast in the tight
stuff. I'm sure I'm faster on it there than I was on the 400. There
is no comparison to the bikes I was riding back in the 60's-70's. Way
better than even the Hodaka/Van Tech I had then.
put a little over 1200 miles on the 200 since buying it and that has
been 90% dirt, although I ride it around town on errands. I've
changed out the tires, so now it tracks great on dirt, rocks and the
sand that makes up the riding here.
If one is looking for a good bike
for the dirt, and I'm not talking about fast dirt roads, but true off
road riding, where you have to pick your way through challenging
terrain, take a ride on a DR200. It will put a smile on your face.
and Bike Upgrades ................................

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