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...........--- Pt. 3 --- N Scale DDA35 & B Build ---
NOTE: This is not an accurate build of a DDA35. I've tried to 'get close' but at almost 80 don't want to spend a ton of time on this. I need to get back to laying track, adding scenery and finally running a train or two.
Studied some pictures and some other models of DDA35's and ….
. took some liberties in …...
.. designing a flared radiator section for the DDA35. A lot of the models that I looked at seemed to have done the same as a number of them don't look exactly like the pictures of the real thing (mine won't either). I'll make it (hopefully) run it a couple times and probably move onto another project.
The two images above and the next one are screen shots from Fusion 360.
I took the print file into Chitubox and sliced it and printed it with the AnyCubic Photon M3 I bought for $209.
The print came out with what I think they call 'bloom' on the bottom (bloated and irregular surface). You can see it above and also the fan grills were partially clogged with cured resin even though I cleaned it a lot. Looks like the resin cured during the print. This didn't happen when I printed the grills before where they were open on the bottom. Here the grill is open for about .050” but then the print is closed below that. The flared radiators fared better but below them I didn't get a nice straight flat edge.
I'm going to open up the print (hollow it out) and add a skirt to the bottom of the print on the long horizontal edges and see if that clears up both the problems. If that takes care of those problems the rest I'm happy with.
Keep in mind that this is N scale and these images if viewed on a computer are larger than the real thing.
If you came into the build here you can go to the start of the build ( HERE ).
. to be continued...
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