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Steven's Lakester Build ---
2022 Steven bought my lakester along with the other parts and
supplies I had. I'm really glad to see the car go to someone who has
a good vision of building a lakester. I believe that his plans for
the car have the potential of setting records down the line on the
salt and other courses. Of course he is going to make the car 'his'
car. I like the direction he is going with the car and making it
probably a better car than I'd envisioned. The rest of the build will
be his to tell but will be post on here, at least for now, so please
come back and keep track of his progress.
Introduction ---
is the continuation thread for Sumner's build. I am modifying the car
to accept a 2002-2009 Chevy trailblazer engine which fits the E/
engine class for SCTA and ECTA classes. This engine family should be
competitive between F/, E/, and D/ engine sizes and several of the
different Gas/Fuel/Blown classes. The early goals are to get it to
start and drive under it's own power, test the car without a body at
drag strips and the ECTA 1 mile, and eventually attempt to break
records at Bonneville.
completed much of the work in the prior years, but realistically
there are years to go before it's ready for it's maiden voyage at
Bonneville. Follow along as I build this car with help from friends
using traditional hot rod methods, modern technology, and any other
tools we can get our hands on. Please be aware that information and
construction techniques shown and/or described on this site are not
necessarily safe or proven and if you choose to incorporate any of
the ideas and/or construction information on this site into your car
you are doing so at your own risk.
